Cowpea is an important legume crop in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and beyond. However, access to phosphorus (P), a critical element for plant growth and development, is a significant constraint in SSA. Thus, it is essential to have high P-use efficiency varieties to achieve increased yields in environments where little-to- no phosphate fertilizers are applied. In this study, crop phenology, yield, and grain P efficiency traits were assessed in two recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations across ten environments under high- and low-P soil conditions to identify traits' response to different soil P levels and associated quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Single-environment (SEA) and multi-environment (MEA) QTL analyses were conducted for days to flowering (DTF), days to maturity (DTM), biomass yield (BYLD), grain yield (GYLD), grain P-use efficiency (gPUE) and grain P-uptake efficiency (gPUpE). Phenotypic data indicated significant variation among the RILs, and inadequate soil P had a negative impact on flowering, maturity, and yield traits. A total of 40 QTLs were identified by SEA, with most explaining greater than 10% of the phenotypic variance, indicating that many major-effect QTLs contributed to the genetic component of these traits. Similarly, MEA identified 23 QTLs associated with DTF, DTM, GYLD, and gPUpE under high- and low-P environments. Thirty percent (12/40) of the QTLs identified by SEA were also found by MEA, and some of those were identified in more than one P environment, highlighting their potential in breeding programs targeting PUE. QTLs on chromosomes Vu03 and Vu08 exhibited consistent effects under both high- and low-P conditions. In addition, candidate genes underlying the QTL regions were identified. This study lays the foundation for molecular breeding for PUE and contributes to understanding the genetic basis of cowpea response in different soil P conditions. Some of the identified genomic loci, many being novel QTLs, could be deployed in marker-aided selection and fine mapping of candidate genes.
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