Tunicamycins (TCMs) and liposidomycins (LPMs) are naturally occurring inhibitors of the bacterial translocase (MraY). Based on structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies, a molecular model has been proposed for their inhibitory mechanism. This study points out the importance of the nucleoside moiety of liposidomycins in the inhibition of MraY. A simplified molecule ( I) based on the liposidomycin core structure has been synthesised and tested on MraY. The compound displayed a moderate inhibitory activity (IC 50=50 μM). The validation of the molecular model was then performed by synthesising higher homologues of I, containing an additional stereocentre in the 5′ position ( XIV and XV). In agreement with the prediction, only the ( S) isomer XV showed significant activity against MraY (IC 50= 5 μM).