The article analyzes the theoretical aspects of scientific researches the problems of spread the socially dangerous diseases and development of health sociology; highlights the results of expert survey of the specialists of public health centers, medical institutions, non-governmental organizations, scientists, conducted by employees of the Department of the Social expertise of the Institute of Sociology of NAS Ukraine in June-August 2022; the influence of existing social inequalities and military time on the spread of socially dangerous diseases is determined. The purpose of the article is to study the interrelation of the dynamics of spread the socially dangerous diseases with social inequalities and conditions of military time in Ukraine. The author made a detailed analysis of the current scientific approach in the field of health sociology, in particular: Ch. Winslow’s theory of "Factors", E. Wilson’s "Sociobiology", concepts of "Stressors" by H. Sale, "Disease of Civilization" by Ch. Rosenberg and "Social Maladaptation" by A. Honneth. The author paid special attention to studying the impact of social inequalities on the spread of socially dangerous diseases in Ukrainian society. In particular, the author highlighted unequal opportunities in access to medical care for different categories of patients with socially dangerous diseases, stigmatization (such forms as discrimination and self-stigmatization), territorial-spatial limitations and various quality of medical care. The analysis of the results of an expert survey of specialists of public health centers and medical institutions, non-governmental organizations and scientists, conducted by members of the Department of social expertise, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in June and August 2022 made it possible to establish the influence of social inequalities on the spread of socially dangerous diseases in Ukrainian society. Special attention is paid to the role of Russian military aggression in the worsening situation with the spread of the socially dangerous diseases due to mass destruction of health care facilities, spontaneous movement of large populations, interruptions in the receipt of medicines for therapy, shortage of medical personnel and lack of access to free testing.
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