The background of the problem from this research is that the monotonous playing activities ofchildren are the trigger why the gross motor skills of early childhood in Pranggong Villageare still lacking. Moreover, nowadays most parents prohibit children from expressingthemselves in playing on the grounds that games that use mostly gross motor skills can bedangerous for children. The purpose of this study is to analyze the gross motor skills of earlychildhood in Pranggong Village in 2022. This type of research is quantitative. With variablegross motor skills. The sample of this study was 28 early childhood children in PranggongVillage, which consisted of 12 boys and 16 girls. The data analysis technique used descriptivequantitative. To measure the motor ability test using the Instrument of Gross Motor PhysicalDevelopment Barriers in Early Childhood. The results of this study are the motor skills of earlychildhood in Pranggong Village in 2022 are very well developed. The conclusion of this studyis that the motor skills of early childhood in Pranggong Village in 2022 are very welldeveloped.
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