Four cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) at the Gatton Research Station (Queensland) were screened for sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV). Both mother stock and field grown material were indexed by grafting to the indicator plant Ipomoea setosa. Within the limitations of our testing procedures, virus was not detected in mother stock of cw. Rojo Blanco (27 grafts), Resisto (20 grafts), LO-323 (22 grafts) and Red Abundance (23 grafts). Four of 35 grafts made with field-grown material were positive suggesting that virus infection of commercial planting material is more likely to occur by infection during field multiplication than from infected mother stock. Virus infection was detected by symptoms on and the presence of flexuous, filamentous particles in sap extracts of I. setosa. The virus was identified as sweet potato feathery mottle potyvirus by serology.