Previous articleNext article No Access(E)Merging Identities: The Dynamics of Female Friendship in Contemporary Fiction by WomenElizabeth AbelElizabeth Abel Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Signs Volume 6, Number 3Spring, 1981 Article DOI Views: 89Total views on this site Citations: 18Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1981 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Kristi Branham, Kelly L. Reames Introduction: Navigating Women’s Friendships into the Twenty-First Century, (Nov 2022): 1–12. Karmakar Of Women’s Bonds: Female Friendship and Feminist Ethics of Care in Tabish Khair’s Just Another Jihadi Jane, Wasafiri 36, no.33 (Aug 2021): 51–58. Gardner The Fearful Transience of Identity: Analyzing the Gothic Antiheroine in Claire Messud’s the Woman Upstairs and Lauren Acampora’s the Paper Wasp, Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 62, no.11 (Jun 2020): 16–29. Kegan Gardiner Mind mother: psychoanalysis and feminism, (Jul 2020): 113–145. Zimmerman What has never been: an overview of lesbian feminist criticism, (Jul 2020): 177–210.Érik Martiny « I am hiding from my father/ On the roof of Joyce's tower » : le père et le précurseur littéraire chez Sharon Olds et Paul Durcan, Études anglaises Vol. 65, no.44 (Dec 2012): 467–479. Hyungji Park “Staying on”: Abortion and Narrative Silence in Ruth Prawer Jhabvala’s Heat and Dust, Feminist Studies in English Literature 18, no.22 (Dec 2010): 31–56. What has never been: an overview of lesbian feminist criticism, (Sep 2003): 191–223.ía Cornejo-Parriego Entre érôs y philía : amistades femeninas en la obra de Marina Mayoral, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 8, no.11 (Aug 2010): 13–28. Bertram Making friends? contemporary women poets' difficulties with friendship*, Women's Studies International Forum 23, no.55 (Sep 2000): 629–643. Monteith Theorizing friendship: Interracial friendships in the American South, Women: A Cultural Review 10, no.22 (Jun 2008): 139–150. C. Pelzer Visions and Versions of Self: The Other/Women in A Mother and Two Daughters, Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 34, no.33 (Apr 1993): 155–163. Walker Language, irony, and fantasy in the contemporary novel by women, Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory 1, no.1-21-2 (Jun 2008): 33–57. Berzoff The therapeutic value of women's adult friendships, Smith College Studies in Social Work 59, no.33 (Jun 1989): 267–279. Ryan Subversive strategies: Fictional alternatives by women writers, Journal of Literary Studies 4, no.11 (Mar 1988): 86–103. Pagenstecher, Monika Jaeckel, Jutta Brauckmann Mädchen und Frauen unter sich: Ihre Freundschaften und ihre Liebesbeziehungen im Schatten der Geschlechterhierarchie, (Jan 1985): 95–143. Margaret Homans "Her Very Own Howl": The Ambiguities of Representation in Recent Women's Fiction, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 9, no.22 (Oct 2015): 186–205. Lawrence Lipking Aristotle's Sister: A Poetics of Abandonment, Critical Inquiry 10, no.11 (Oct 2015): 61–81.
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