Data on 8586 lambs from 930 Rambouillet, 936 Targhee and 630 Columbia ewes were studied to determine the relationship of the ewe's own birth weight (BW), 60d weight (60W) and 120d weight (120W) with her subsequent most probable producing ability (MPPA) for these traits in lambs. Ewe/year of birth, age of ewe, lamb sex type of birth, rearing of lamb and regression on birth date affected BW, 60W and 120W ( P < 0.01). Year of birth of ewe, ewe breed and the interaction of ewe year of birth × ewe breed affected MPPA-BW, MPPA-60 and MPPA-120 ( P < 0.01). Effect of years of birth of ewe, breed of ewe and type of birth and rearing of the ewe, although statistically significant, were very small in magnitude. Residual correlations among growth traits and subsequent MPPA were small in magnitude but positive. Correlations between year of birth for BW with MPPA-BW, 60W with MPPA-60 and 120W with MPPA-120 were 0.47, −0.03, and −0.45, respectively. Similar correlations for age of the ewe's dam subclasses for early growth traits of ewe with the MPPA's were −0.76 between BW and MPPA-BW, −0.42 between 60W and MPPA-60 and −0.95 between 120W and MPPA-120. Correlations of the type of birth and rearing means for MPPA-BW with BW was −0.83, for 60W with MPPA-60 was −0.92 and for MPPA-120 with 120W was −0.99. Results of this study indicate that early growth traits are not a good predictor of subsequent ewe productivity as measured by MPPA for growth of lambs to weaning. Repeatability estimates for BW, 60W and 120W, respectively, were 0.29, 0.22 and 0.24 for Rambouillet, 0.30, 0.17 and 0.17 for Targhee and 0.36, and 0.19 and 0.18 for Columbia.