Previous articleNext article FreeThe Most-Favored-Nation Clause in American Commercial TreatiesJacob VinerJacob Viner Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Journal of Political Economy Volume 32, Number 1Feb., 1924 Article DOI Views: 160Total views on this site Citations: 15Citations are reported from Crossref PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Fabian Bohnenberger, Clara Weinhardt Most-Favoured Nation Clauses: A Double-Edged Sword in a Geo-Economic Era, (Feb 2022): 127–148. Reinisch, Christoph Schreuer International Protection of Investments, 15 (Jul 2020). Sharmin Evolution of MFN Treatment and Drafting Trends in the Older Generation of IIAs, (Apr 2020): 25–69. O. Fordham Protectionist Empire: Trade, Tariffs, and United States Foreign Policy, 1890–1914, Studies in American Political Development 31, no.22 (Oct 2017): 170–192. E. Flynn, Benjamin O. Fordham Economic Interests and Threat Assessment in the US Congress, 1890–1914, International Interactions 43, no.55 (Sep 2016): 744–770. Oslington Contextual History, Practitioner History, and Classic Status: Reading Jacob Viner’s The Customs Union Issue, Journal of the History of Economic Thought 35, no.44 (Nov 2013): 491–515. Anderson Trade Barriers: Costing Global Trade Barriers, 1900 to 2050, (Oct 2013): 273–302. D. Ludema, Anna Maria Mayda , The Quarterly Journal of Economics 128, no.44 ( 2013): 1837. Meardon On the Evolution of U.S. Trade Agreements: Evidence from Taussig's Tariff Commission, Journal of Economic Issues 0, no.22 (May 2011): 475–484. D. Ludema, Anna Maria Mayda Do countries free ride on MFN?, Journal of International Economics 77, no.22 (Apr 2009): 137–150. Fiorito, Sebastiano Nerozzi Jacob Viner’s reminiscences from the new deal (February 11, 1953), (Mar 2015): 75–136. Hochman Trade negotiations, domestic policies, and the Most Favored Nation clause, Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 41, no.33 (Jul 2008): 781–795. Horn, Petros C Mavroidis Economic and legal aspects of the Most-Favored-Nation clause, European Journal of Political Economy 17, no.22 (Jun 2001): 233–279. References, International Organization 55, no.44 (Jul 2003): 1083–1103. Berndt Feste Lehren (Meßgeräte ohne Maßanzeige), (Jan 1929): 283–339.
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