Abstract The purpose of this paper is to know better the morphodynamic behaviour of Moselle River during the historic times. The consequences of climatic changes are scrutinized whereas the previous harnessings undergone by the river are stated. The used inquiry method involved three aspects. First, the meteorological and hydrological chronicles collection allows to reconstitute the river cycle. Second, the former cartographic documents give a ponctuai image of the fluvial style. Third, the analysis of some technical- styled documents, written during the 19th century, brings useful lights upon the patterns at work during the first harnessings and upon the effects produced by those last one. Generally, a brittling of the fluvial system can be established together with an expanding braided river style up to the XVIIIth century. It results from the cross effects of the frequent winter floods, the Vosges sides deforestation and the multi-plication of the banks harnessings.