One hundred and forty one rabbit does were used to study the effect of four diets differing in energy concentration (8.92 to 11.86 MJ DE/kg), fibre and fat content, two parturition-remating intervals (1 or 9 d), and two seasons (hot season and rest of the year) on productiva performance throughout a 18 months period. Addition of a 3.5 % of pork lard to a diet containing 18 % ADF implied an increase of energy digestibility (by 8 %, P<0.05), DE content (by 15 %, P<0.001), feed intake (by 6 %, P<0.1), and DE intake (by 22.5 %, P<0.05). Fat addition did not affect average weight of does, prolificacy, or replacement rate, but improved fertility (by 7%, P<0.1), weaning weight per pyp (by 3%, P<0.1), and numerical proauct1víty per cage and year (by 12 %, P<0.05). An increase of dietary fibre content (from 18.0 to 23.8 % ADF) decreased linearly (P<0.001) energy digestibility, and DE content, but increased (P<0.05) feed intake, so that neither DE intake (2.56 MJ/d as average) or does productivity were significantly affected. lntensification of reproduction system elicited a shorter parturition interval (- 3.2 days, P<0.05), but also a decrease of average does weight (- 0.14 kg, P<0.05), a lower conception rate (P<0.05), and a higher pup mortality, so that numerical productivity per cage and year was not significantly affected by treatment. The increase of temperatura during the hot season decreased feed intake (by 21 %, P<0.001), average weight of does (- 0.15 kg, P<0.05), fertility (- 16 %, P<0.001), numerical productivity (- 23 %, P<0.001), and weaning weight (- 7 %, P<0.01). No significant effects of the interactions diet x remating interval or diet x season were found on any of the variables studied.
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