The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is often cited as an example of success in plant breeding and of potential for further improvement through use of biotechnology. The interest in tomato as a model system for genetic engineering is due in part to the large body of work done on the genus Lycopersicon over the past 50 years. This work includes the collection of germplasm of L. esculentum and its wild relatives, creation of chromosome addition and translocation stocks, the discovery or creation of >1200 monogenic mutants (Stevens and Rick. 1986). transfer from wild species of dis ease resistance genes. the creation of near-isogenic lines for a num ber of mutants or resistance genes, and the development of the clas sical genetic map (Tanksley et al., 1990). which has >300 markers including mutants, isozymes and resistance genes. The attractiveness of tomato as a research system also is due to the characteristics of the species that lend it to genetic work. L. esculentum and its wild relatives are diploid species, 2N=24, and are amenable to cyto logical study. L. esculentum is easy to self-pollinate or cross, resulting in relatively high seed set. L. esculentum has a relatively small genome (0.7 pg). which has remarkably few duplicate loci (Rick, 1971; Tanksley et al., 1987). An excellent central resource on the cultivation, genetics, and biology of L. esculentum and its wild relatives is the book “The Tomato Crop” (Astherton and Rudich, 1986). Lists of the plant materials available in Lycopersicon can be found in the yearly publication Reports of the Tomato Genetic Cooperative. In a recent article. Hille et al. (1989) summarized the use of biotechnology, in the broadest sense of the term, in tomato improvement. Rather than repeat material in that excellent article. the focus of this discussion is to overview the pos sibilities and the potential value of the use of emerging technologies for tomato improvement. Progress to date in using molecular developments for plant im provement centers on two molecular techniques. The creation/use of RFLP maps and the introduction of foreign DNA into the plant genome using Ti-mediated gene transfer. If one also considers tis sue culture under the rubric of “biotechnology”, the possibility of plant improvement by protoplast fusion and regeneration also may be considered. The current tomato RFLP map is probably one of the most com plete maps of a higher plant genome (Tanksley et al., 1990). Once created. the RFLP map has several uses for plant improvement. The map can be used to locate and identify molecular makers for genes of interest (Young and Tanksely. 1989). Once closely linked molecular markers have been identified. the markers can be used in indirect screening for the gene of interest. and so facilitate the rapid transfer of desired major genes while minimizing linkage drag (Tanksley et al.. 1989; Tanksley, 1989). RFLP mapping can be used further to identify the regions of the genome that are associat ed with important quantitative traits. Once these regions are identi fied, the information can be used to facilitate the transfer of genes affecting the quantitative trait (Paterson et al., 1988; Tanksley et al.. 1989). The value of the RFLP map for single genes or quantitative traits is evident. These techniques are currently being used in a number of laboratories focusing on diverse traits. The disadvantages of the systems are the cost and time involved, which can be minimized by careful planning, and the need in tomato to use plants derived from interspecific crosses to acquire sufficient polymorphisms. However. the advantages of the systems definitely exceed the disadvantages.