We investigated the physiology and function of P2Y receptors expressed in human dendritic cells (DCs) differentiated in vitro from CD14 + cells (DC-14). These were obtained after a 10 day stimulation period in GM-CSF, IL-4 and monocyte conditioned medium. DC-14 were found to express high amounts of MHC class II, B7, CD40 as well as CD83. The functional analysis, using single cell Ca 2+ imaging, demonstrated the expression of at least three subtypes of P2Y receptors. We further found using patch-clamp measurements that ATP evoked a pertussis toxin insensitive non-selective cation current with a peak current amplitude of −276±43 pA (holding potential −80 mV, n=23). This current was not Ca 2+-activated, since it was still observed under conditions of high intracellular Ca 2+ buffering and could be blocked by Gd 3+ (0.5 mM). In addition, intracellular application of GTP-γ-S (0.3 mM) also activated the current. Interestingly, DC-14 redirected the orientation of their dendrites as well as cell shape towards a pipette containing ATP as observed with time lapse microscopy. These data suggest that in human DCs, ATP acts via P2Y receptors and induces chemokine effects.