A pseudo-dendritic crystal growth of lead molybdate (PbMoO 4) has been studied with the Czochralski technique. The observed dendritic growth is iso-directional, projecting from the circumference of the growth front, where the content of impurities, melt stoichiometry and temperature are expected to be varied. The dendrite arm length and inter-dendrite angle are closely correlated. It is found that the grown dendrite arms are bounded only by ten low-index crystallographic planes (001), (00 1 ), (101), ( 1 01), (10 1 ), ( 1 0 1 ), (011), (0 1 1), (01 1 ), and (0 1 1 ). Based on this work, a facet transition pattern existing among the dendritic arms has been revealed. Further analysis for crystal grains in as-grown PbMoO 4 single crystals indicates that a similar dendritic growth can also occur under conventional growth conditions. It is further suggested that the constitutional supercooling is a major factor causing the dendritic growth in PbMoO 4 single crystals.