Co is expected to replace Cu as the next generation of interconnect metal material and plays an integral role in the field of integrated circuits (IC). However, the reaction mechanism behind Co chemical mechanical polishing is not yet clear. To fill these gaps, the following explorations have been conducted. Reactive force field molecular dynamics (ReaxFF MD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were employed to investigate the atomistic reaction and removal underlying the cobalt (Co) chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) in an aqueous (H2O) environment. It demonstrates the adsorption of H2O onto the Co surface, resulting in the formation of Co-OH, Co-H2O, and other reaction products·H2O molecules also undergo reactions with the abrasive. Furthermore, the OH-terminated surface of the diamond abrasive can chemically interact with the Co substrate, resulting in the formation of C-O-Co bridge bonds. Additionally, the polishing process generates C-Co bonds. Both bonds contribute to the removal of Co atoms, although the former has a relatively smaller effect. A smaller gap between C and Co corresponds to a greater number of C-Co bonds and a faster attainment of dynamic equilibrium. Moreover, as the gap decreases, the normal and frictional force increase within a certain range. However, beyond a certain limit, the friction force decreases. This study aids in uncovering the atomic behavior at the interface during Co CMP and understanding the polishing mechanism.
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