Perception alone can, in some cases, be sufficient to modulate aging and longevity. These influences on aging are perhaps mediated by changes in motivational states that regulate metabolism and physiology to impact health. Simple invertebrate models uniquely enable detailed dissection of integrative pathways linking perceptions to aging and remain the leading systems for advancing this field. Over the past 25 years, studies using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have demonstrated that sensory cues, such as those related to food or mating, can influence aging independently of the physical acts associated with them. In this review, we highlight recent advancements in these invertebrate models, focusing on two key areas of progress: (i) the discovery of lifespan modulation driven by novel sensory cues across multiple modalities, including non-sexual social experience, light, and dietary choices; and (ii) the assignment of new aging-regulation functions to specific neurons downstream of sensory perception. The latter offers an exciting first glimpse at the neuronal circuits integrating sensory cues, motivational states, physiology, and aging.
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