Abstract. The article examines the concept of social networking, implementation of the information communication technologies in the social network procedures, formation of online social networks. Observed implementation of these technologies in establishment of the modern libraries and presented possible perspectives of the social formation. Also was described the solution of some tasks using fuzzy sets theory and bibliometric methods for control of management by analyzing of relations between users and resources of libraries.Keywords: Digital library, social network, social library, WEB2, collaborative resources, fuzzy sets, bibliometrics, management, user content.JEL Classification: D85(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.)(ProQuest: ... denotes non-US-ASCII text omitted.)IntroductionThe term digital library encompasses a wide range of working systems and research prototypes, collections of information and documents, and technologies (Ioannidis et al., 2005). In other hand latest years make modern society be more social accompanying with implementation of information communication technologies, Internet, network concept, portative equipment and etc. features. Psychology and philosophy of information retrieval changed in many aspects such as openness, copyright procedures, standards, information management systems and so on. Also the same situation happening with the sociological and physiological structure of the modern information consumers. Observing their behavior possible to view different methods of approaching, which they are very exacting to quality, time management and to networking in their information needs. But we have to say sometimes they are very lazy and impatient in this procedures.Regarding mentioned features information systems comparing with classic structure becoming very amorphous`, gathering latest implementations, but keeping some main core merits. Modern DLs is not just an information system, it consist sharing, interchange, relations, cooperation and related activities which reveals sociocentric, sociotechnical aspects of this environment.View of modern and information societyModern technologies and ideas have the important ability to create linkages among information resources, systems, groups, individuals and in order of this possibilities direct way to good communication which is very important in modern information society. In simple practice we can observe that most times many respondents are not aware what their or has newly acquired, recently used, what thinking users about information which they were provided, they have not enough social environment and certainly this is a lack of socialization (Schrier, 2011).Observing librarianship we can pay attention many librarians participate in relevant online conversations, activities for knowledge sharing, advertise and encourage the use of their collections, using social media tools such as blogging, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. What does mean this changes? The rapid integration of the Web2 ideology conceptually changed meaning of information interchange, sharing and gathering. Modern librarians and information specialists, especially specialists from the former Soviet Union Republics now has the new tasks, goals and missions, which they need to involve to the new world of information society which very different from previous ones. From modern librarianship view the main potential aspects of structure of the new information society are 1. human factor: from one side intellectual source and from an other side is consumer (user, customer) 2 content: the end product of the intellectual source and the medium for to satisfying information needs of individuals or the group consumers (user, costumer) 3. ICT and modern ideology approaches: the third aspect is the set of elements leading the way of integration of the core aspects mentioned before. …