INTRODUCTION: Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic autoimmune enteropathy that occurs in genetically susceptible individuals when exposed to gluten proteins. In the past, CD was thought to be exclusive to Caucasians of European descent. With the advent of serological screening tests, CD has become increasingly recognized in other ethnic populations around the world. CASE DESCRIPTION/METHODS: A 56-year-old female of Indian descent was evaluated for chronic epigastric abdominal pain. The pain did not radiate and worsened with certain movements and spicy foods. She also reported an occasional acidic taste suggestive of reflux. Medical history included arthritis, hyperlipidemia, and a cholecystectomy. A colonoscopy performed two years ago was unremarkable. She underwent an EGD which demonstrated a normal esophagus, mild antral gastritis, and flattening of duodenal villi. Biopsies were obtained and an anti-tissue transglutaminase (anti-tTG) IgA level was ordered for suspicion of CD. Histology of the duodenal mucosa revealed moderate villous atrophy and increased intraepithelial lymphocytes. Anti-tTG IgA levels were elevated at 39 U/mL (normal 0–3 U/mL). H. pylori testing was negative. CD was diagnosed based on the histological findings and positive serology. The patient was instructed to begin a gluten-free diet (GFD) and referred to a medical nutritionist for further assistance. After starting a GFD, she reported significant symptomatic improvement. DISCUSSION: Few population studies in the past have looked at the prevalence of CD in non-Caucasian ethnic groups where the disease may have been underdiagnosed. Several recent studies suggest that gluten intolerance is more common than previously estimated in certain populations. Cataldo et al reported that 26–49% of Indian children presenting to tertiary care hospitals with chronic diarrhea had been diagnosed with CD.1 And a review by Yachha et al of an earlier study from the UK found 20 of 106 CD patients to be of South Asian origin.2 This case highlights the changing global paradigm of CD prevalence and provides valuable insight for clinicians in Western countries serving diverse immigrant populations. In conclusion, we recommend that physicians assess for CD without racial bias if clinical suspicion warrants an evaluation.
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