When hemoglobin is inactivated by nitrites, hypoxia of the renal tubules is not accompaniedby inhibition of renal blood circulation. At the same time, the fi ltration fraction of sodiumions and the load on the energy- dependent mechanisms of the proximal and distal tubules remain high, but since there is no energy, signifi cant reactions of damage to the proximalnephron and dysfunction of the distal tubules as reabsorption of sodium than in theproximal tubule are observed. To correct the detected disorders, it is advisable to usean antioxidant solution of negative redox potential with hydrogen saturation, whichcan penetrate into cells, reach mitochondria, penetrate areas of ischemia, edema andinfl ammation, improve energy supply by means of supplying additional electrons anddetecting neutralization of hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite.Purpose – to determine the eff ect of an antioxidant solution of negative redox potentialwith molecular hydrogen saturation on the functional and biochemical processes of thekidneys in acute hemic hypoxia of moderate severity.Materials and methods. The experiments were performed on 30 white nonlinear malerats weighing 0.16-0.18 kg under the conditions of hyposodium diet. Simulation ofexperimental hemic hypoxia was performed by a single subcutaneous injection of 1%sodium nitrite solution at a dose of 50 mg / kg body weight, causing, respectively, theaverage severity of hemic hypoxia. An antioxidant solution of negative redox potentialwith hydrogen saturation 1.0-1.2 ppm and redox potential –297.3 ± 5.27 mV was obtainedusing a new generation generator Blue Water 900 (Korea). Experimental, physiological,biochemical, immunoenzyme, histoenzymo- chemical and statistical research methodswere used.Results. The development of acute hemic hypoxia of moderate severity was accompaniedby an increase in glomerular fi ltration, protein excretion, decreased distal reabsorptionof sodium ions. An increase in the concentration of tumor necrosis factor- alpha in bloodplasma was found and an increase in unlimited proteolysis in the kidneys was detected:by azocollagen lysis in the cortex, azocasein in the medullary substance and azoalbuminin the papilla. Moderate hemic hypoxia showed an increase in the concentration of lipidperoxidation products: malonic aldehyde and diene conjugates in the renal medulla andinhibition of succinate dehydrogenase activity in the proximal nephron (p <0.01). Theuse of a solution of negative redox potential with molecular hydrogen saturation hada corrective eff ect on the studied parameters.Conclusions. 1. In acute hemic hypoxia of moderate severity, a solution of negative redoxpotential with molecular hydrogen saturation due to its antioxidant, cytoprotective, energyproperties improves the condition of the proximal tubule, reduces the manifestations ofproteinuria (p <0,01), increases tubular type succinate dehydrogenase activity (p <0.02)in this part of the nephron. 2. The use of a solution of negative redox potential withmolecular hydrogen saturation due to its antioxidant, anti-infl ammatory, nephroprotectiveproperties has a protective eff ect on the kidneys and reduces elevated levels of tumornecrosis factor- alpha in blood plasma (p <0,01), lysis azocollagen, azoalbumin, azocaseinand lipid peroxidation products of malonic aldehyde (p <0.01) and diene conjugates inacute hemic hypoxia of moderate severity.
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