THE PROCESS in which a permeant molecule crosses a solution barrier both by means of passive diffusion and by being carried on a molecular carrier which itself diffuses passively is called facilitated diffusion. The process has been invoked as a model in chemical engineering [l, 7, 191, and in biology [20, 211. We are interested in the mathematics of the facilitated diffusion of oxygen and carbon monoxide with the carriers hemoglobin and myoglobin. The mathematical equations governing the simultaneous chemical reaction and diffusion of several molecular species have been known for a long time [3], and are commonly referred to as reaction-diffusion equations. When applied to the steady-state facilitated diffusion of a substrate reacting reversibly with and diffusing in a solution slab of carrier molecules, they may be reduced to a single nonlinear ordinary differential equation for one molecular species [l]. We shall call such an equation a Wyman’s Equation [24]. Consider the reaction