Data-driven modeling methods have become one of the main technologies for predicting aerodynamic heat in hypersonic conditions. However, due to the limitations of wind tunnel experimental conditions, the spatial distribution of aerothermal wind tunnel experimental data is often sparse, and the sample size is relatively small. Furthermore, there is a lack of direct correlation in the aerodynamic heat distribution data among different shapes of vehicles, which poses challenges for constructing high-performance data-driven aerodynamic heat prediction models. To address these issues, this paper proposes a high-precision aerodynamic heat modeling and prediction method based on data augmentation and transfer learning. First, integrating the concept of data fusion, we propose to enhance the sparse aerothermal wind tunnel experimental data by using deep neural networks and introducing low-precision numerical computation results. Next, based on the close physical correlation between boundary layer outer edge information and wall surface aerodynamic heat, we construct the aerodynamic heat prediction model ED-ResNet using a double-series residual neural network. Finally, by fine-tuning the ED-ResNet model for transfer learning, high-precision predictions of aerothermal wind tunnel experimental results for different shaped vehicles are achieved under small sample conditions. Verification using hypersonic double-ellipsoid, blunt cone, and blunt bicone shows that after data augmentation, the prediction error of the aerodynamic heat prediction model is significantly reduced to 1/3 of that when data augmentation is not used. Moreover, through transfer learning, the model effectively leverages existing hypersonic double-ellipsoid aerothermal wind tunnel experimental data to achieve high-precision predictions of aerodynamic heat distribution for blunt cone and blunt double cone under different incoming flow conditions, with normalized root mean square error(NRMSE) maintained below 10%.