In this manuscript, an attempt is made to reconfigure the conventional total cross-tied (TCT) array through a novel optimized SuDoKu (OPSDK) static reconfiguration technique. This approach helps to reduce the line losses occurring due to increased wire length and simultaneously diminishes the adverse effects of accumulated shadings in close vicinity by diffusing it across the photovoltaic array (PVA). The MATLAB/Simulink platform is used to study the variations in the performance of various existing topologies and the proposed OPSDK PVA model under various shading scenarios such as bottom-right corner, bottom-left corner, top-right corner, top-left corner and drifted-locus centre. The performance is monitored with regard to the specific characteristics viz., % fill-factor, mismatch power losses, % power loss, % efficiency, global maximum power point, maximum voltage, maximum current, local maximum power points (LMPPs), number of LMPPs, misleading power loss, current loss, voltage loss, % execution ratio, % power improvement, % thermal voltage, % power enhancement ratio, line loss and annual energy saving. Theresults show that the proposed OPSDKmethod generates 28.12852 kWh energy units per day, which is maximum when compared to other five topologies viz. SuDoKu (SDK), futoshiki SuDoKu (FSDK), skyscraper SuDoKu (SKYSDK), modified SuDoKu (MSDK), ancient chinese magic square (ACMS). Consequently, the annual income generatedby [9×9] SDK, FSDK, SKYSDK, MSDK, ACMS and OPSDK PVAs is ₹ 150,839.54, ₹ 141,514.52, ₹150,108.08, ₹ 150,751.94, ₹ 150,249.33 and ₹154,003.72, respectively, signifying that OPSDK PVA produces highest income. The extensive analysis signifies that the proposed OPSDK topology succeeds in reducing line losses by 25.62 %, 0.00 %, 37.98 %, 33.43 % and 35.49 % in comparison to SDK, FSDK, SKYSDK, MSDK and ACMS, respectively. The mismatch power losses in power output are also reduced by 643.1 W as compared to the other configurations. The OPSDK technique, thus, proves to be one of the most efficient, effective, optimised and sustainable PVA reconfiguration technique with good power savings and greater economic returns/viability.
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