ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to assess the combined capabilities of Conditional Source-Term Estimation with radiation and soot modeling in large eddy simulations of a medium-scale ethanol pool fire. Tabulated detailed chemistry is implemented including radiative losses. The radiative transfer equation is solved with the weighted sum of gray gas models to determine the gaseous absorption. Two subgrid soot models are considered using the laminar smoke point concept. The first approach calculates the soot formation and oxidation rates corrected to account for turbulent effects. The second determines the soot reaction rates in conditional space using analytical functions and the filtered reaction rates are determined by convolution with the filtered mixture fraction density function. Predictions of the time-averaged and root mean square temperature, species mole fractions and soot mass fraction are compared with experimental measurements. Numerical temperatures agree well with experiments except in the fire plume where some overpredictions are observed. Species concentrations match the measurements with some discrepancies observed in the products farther downstream, partly explained by the experimental uncertainty. The peak soot predicted with the first model is in reasonable agreement with the experiments but is much lower using the second approach. These differences are explained by the differences in the turbulence soot chemistry treatment and calibration of empirical constants. However, here, soot has a limited impact on the temperature, flow and mixing fields due to low soot concentrations produced by ethanol. The radiative heat fluxes are reasonably well predicted. Further validation is needed with additional experimental soot data.
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