The microwave emission from Venus was measured at seven frequencies in the interval 18 to 36 Gc/sec in July 1964 shortly after inferior conjunction. The resulting spectrum shows a fairly smooth but rapid decrease in the planet's brightness toward the higher frequencies. The measurements are compared with the spectra of several model atmospheres which contain CO 2, N 2, water vapor, liquid water clouds, and high dust or ice clouds. None of the model spectra exactly fit all the present measurements. A best fit for the model in which absorption is due to CO 2 and N 2 requires a surface pressure of about 200 atm. A best fit for the model which contains, in addition, water vapor and liquid water clouds requires about 12 gm/cm 2 of the vapor and 0.06 gm/cm 2 of liquid water clouds at a temperature of 240°K. The nicest agreement is provided by a model which contains scattering particles. For dust particles of mean diameter 0.3 mm and dielectric constant 5, the required number of particles is 2.5 × 10 6/cm 2.
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