In ruminants, adipose tissue performs 3 functions: synthesis of fatty acids, accumulation in the form of a reserve, and mobilization. After the esterification of fatty acids with the collected energy in adipocytes, triacyl-glycerols are born, and the esterification of fatty acids occurs by the α-glycerol-phosphate pathway. The volume of adipose tissue is determined not by the number of adiposites, but by their size. The metabolic activity of adiposites does not depend on the volume of fat collected in it or the volume of cytoplasm. This process in animals is regulated by energy balance. The purpose of the work was to study lipid metabolism and mobilization of fatty acids from tail fat during starvation in rams of the Karadolak and Bozag breeds. Materials and methods. A complex surgical operation was carried out according to the method of A. Aliyev on 9 heads of male rams of the Karabakh breed, the Karadolak line, the average live weight of which was 45.0±1.70 kg. Catheters were implanted in each ram in the carotid artery, in the portal vein of the liver, in the mesenteric vein and in the posterior vena cava (pointing towards the tail). Thus, from the difference in the concentration of metabolites in the arterial blood and in the blood of the portal vein, we obtained the data on the net absorption of metabolites from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood. And from the difference in lipid metabolites in arterial blood and in the blood of the posterior vena cava, we obtained data on their mobilization from tail fat. Results and discussion. The studies carried out have studied the effect of a fasting diet on the mobilization of fatty acids from tail fat. It became known that in rams of the Bozag and Karadolak breeds, during starvation, in order to meet the energy requirements of the body, there is a strong mobilization of total lipids and long-chain fatty acids. This process is most intensive in sheep of the Karadolak line, the Karabakh breed. In both breeds of sheep, during starvation, the amount of oleic acid in the lipids of the blood plasma taken from the posterior vena cava increased, and on the 5th day it reached its peak. This is due to the fact that the amount of oleic acid in the tail fat is higher compared to other fats. Therefore, after feeding, in both breeds of sheep, the amount of this acid decreased in plasma lipids, both arterial and venous (posterior vena cava) blood. After feeding A-B difference was positive. The percentage of linolenic and linoleic acids did not change during starvation in both breeds of sheep. Of the acids with carbon atom 20, dynamic changes have occurred in arachidonic acid. Since arachidonic acid is synthesized from linoleic acid, a close relationship of these acids in the blood is observed. During fasting, when linoleic acid is not supplied with food, the amount of arachidic acid in lipids decreased in blood plasma taken from the posterior vena cava. So, in sheep of the Karadolak breed, the amount of this acid decreased from 3.75 to 2.60, and in the Bozag breed from 5.24 to 2.33. Conclusion. In both breeds of sheep, in order to satisfy the body's need for energy, in connection with a starvation diet, there is a strong mobilization of total lipids and long-chain fatty acids from internal fat and tail fat. It should be noted that this process is clearly expressed in rams of the Karabakh breed of the Karadolak line