This article examined teachers’ teaching experience and students’ learning outcomes in the secondary schools in Ondo State Nigeria. As a correlational survey, the study population comprised all the 257 secondary schools in the State. This population was made up of 147 rural schools and 110 urban schools. It was also made up of 12 single sex schools and 245 mixed schools. Out of the population, a sample of 180 schools was drawn through the process of stratified random sampling technique. An inventory and a semi-structured interview schedule were the instruments used to collect information for the study. The data collected were analysed using chi square test, correlation analysis and t-test. The semi-structured interview was conducted with selected principals and education officers. Their responses were analysed through content analysis. The findings revealed that teachers’ teaching experience was significant with students’ learning outcomes as measured by their performance in the SSC examinations. Schools having more teachers with five years and above teaching experience achieved better results than schools having more teachers with less than five years teaching experience. Considering the findings, it was recommended that government should encourage experienced teachers to stay on the job by providing them with more incentives and better promotional prospects. The condition of service of teachers should also been improved. Key word: Teachers, teaching, experience, students, learning, outcomes.
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