LOW-FREQUENCY EXCITATION OF LEAKY MODES INA MICROSTRIP LINE WITH A TOP COVERJ. BernalDepartment of Applied Physics 3University of SevilleETS de Ingenier´ia, Camino de los descubrimientos s/n, 41092-Seville,SpainF. MesaDepartment of Applied Physics 1University of SevilleETS de Ingenier´ia Inform´atica, Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012-Seville, SpainD. R. JacksonDepartment Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-4005, USAAbstract—This paper studies the excitation of a physical leaky modein a covered microstrip structure at low frequencies. We calculate thecurrent excited in the line by a delta-gap voltage source via a full waveanalysis based on a mixed potential integral equation scheme. Thecurrent in the line is decomposed into its bound mode and continuousspectrum components. The bound mode component is associated withthe propagation effects whereas the continuous spectrum componentis associated with reactive and/or radiative effects and contains thecontribution of the leaky mode. Our analysis also includes a detailstudy of the dispersion relations of the bound and leaky modes alongwith their corresponding electric fields. At low frequencies, in thecovered microstripstructurewithalow topcover height, wehavefoundthat theboundmoderole is supersededby the leaky mode, inthe sensethat it is the leaky mode which partially or totally carries the signalenergy. Therefore, the spurious effects associated with the excitationof a leaky mode, which usually appear at high frequencies in open