A study was performed for cytotoxic and mitodepressive effect of pesticide through root meristem of Allium cepa L. Various concentration (0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1.0%) of organophosphate insecticide profenofos for 24, 48 and 72 hrs time points exposed to A. cepa. The cytotoxic and genotoxic effects were evident through inhibited mitotic division and increased percentage of chromosome abnormality. Dose and duration dependent statistically significant reduction in mitotic index was recorded. The minimum mitotic index (3.94%) was estimated at 1.0% for 72 hrs. Cytogenetic endpoints like mitotic depression, relative abnormality rate and frequency of chromosomal abnormality were found to be increased when compared to control plants. Various chromosomal aberration like stickiness, laggard, bridge, fragmentation and micronuclei were also observed. Cytogenetic biomarker is very efficient and non-expensive tool to screening and biomonitoring cytotoxicity at chromosomal and DNA level.
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