The objective of this study was to investigate the performance of multiple imputation of missing genotype data for unrelated individuals using the polytomous logistic regression model, focusing on different missingness mechanisms, percentages of missing data, and imputation models. A complete dataset of 581 individuals, each analysed for eight biallelic polymorphisms and the quantitative phenotype HDL-C, was used. From this dataset one hundred replicates with missing data were created, in different ways for different scenarios. The performance was assessed by comparing the mean bias in parameter estimates, the root mean squared standard errors, and the genotype-imputation error rates. Overall, the mean bias was small in all scenarios, and in most scenarios the mean did not differ significantly from 'no bias'. Including polymorphisms that are highly correlated in the imputation model reduced the genotype-imputation error rate and increased precision of the parameter estimates. The method works well for data that are missing completely at random, and for data that are missing at random. In conclusion, our results indicate that multiple imputation with the polytomous logistic regression model can be used for association studies to deal with the problem of missing genotype data, when attention is paid to the imputation model and the percentage of missing data.