Traditional control methods for nonlinear dynamical systems are predicated on verification of complex mathematical conditions related to the existence of a positive-definite Lyapunov function whose value must strictly decrease with time. Rigorous verification of Lyapunov conditions can be extremely difficult in real-world systems with high-dimensional and complex dynamics. In this paper, we present a novel control logic that can be readily applied to a general class of nonlinear systems irrespective of the complexities in their dynamics. The Iterative Control Framework (ICF) is designed to guarantee the convergence of the closed-loop system state to zero without a priori verification of Lyapunov-like conditions. The underlying computational routine runs in the background in real time and reconfigures the control vector at each time step in such a way that when the control input is applied to the system, the system trajectory reaches closer to the desired state. The technique is applicable to a broad class of complex nonlinear systems but is particularly suitable for systems inherently admitting control action of short duration such as missiles, rockets, satellites, and space vehicles. In this work, we focus on the application of ICF to guidance and attitude control of rockets and missiles where actuation is provided via single-use thrusters.
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