In present era of technology, everything is in fingertips likewise ,any unstructured data such as video ,image is captured and analyzed, but audio data such as music, sounds are very complicatedly classified and analyzed , Music information retrieval is abbreviated as ‘ MIR ‘therefore it is a interdisciplinary science of retrieval of data from music by data sourcing ,transcribing,feature extraction, machine learning algorithms, genre categorizing, pitch tracking, chord recognition and MIR applications A simple MIR system retrieves data according to a user-introduced text query. B. "David Bowie Heroes". In such cases, the system is basically the same as a text- based search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.) because the text is compared to the text data associated with the album or track. However, given the characteristics of the retrieved content, you need a system that can accept "musical" queries such as sheet music, sung melodies (queries by ham), and recorded audio segments (queries by example). This proposal concerns the latter case. The purpose of the sample query is to retrieve music from a large collection of digital music content based on its similarity to the sample audio document. The ability to query using examples is an important requirement of the MIR system. There are many challenges, such as computational and complexity issues, proper testbed design, and choosing the right representation of audio for queries and music collections...
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