One hundred fifty two matured specimens of Labeo bata collected from the River Daya, a tributary of the river Mahanadi were studied for their fecundity indices. The absolute fecundity of L bata varied from 37,945 to 69,786 eggs in matured specimens of 150 to 300 mm total length. The relationship between fecundity and total length; fecundity and body weight; fecundity and ovary length; and fecundity and ovary weight were worked out by employing regression analysis. Relationship of fecundity with fish length (r=0.68; pa 0.05), fish body weight (r= 0.72; pa 0.05) ovary length (r=0.76; pa 0.05) and ovary weight (r=0.94; pa 0.05) were positive and significant.