Objectives: Posttraumatic upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a very rare consequence of blunt liver trauma. It can be quite a diagnostic challenge for clinicians, as it can clinically manifest many weeks after the trauma or be scantily symptomatic. Methods: The following article would like to provide an analysis of clinical cases of 13 patients following blunt liver injuries, the main symptoms of which was bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract through the biliary tree. The article is research of the published literature concentrating on the influence of modern diagnostic methods (scintigraphy, USG and CT) on the diagnosis and long-term survival of patients with haemobilia caused by blunt liver trauma. In each patient, the condition was presented with UGIB symptoms following blunt trauma, before initiation of operative treatment or before death. The cases were divided into 2 groups: prior to and after introduction of modern diagnostic procedures, and then compared together. Results: The study indicates that liver damage can cause symptoms of UGIB, even after minor abdominal trauma and with delayed and uncharacteristic symptoms. Conclusions: Modern diagnostic methods, such as ultrasound, scintigraphy and CT, make it easier to identify these injuries and choose appropriate treatment, reducing the risk of death.
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