FOCUS O WORKERS'RIGHTSINFORMALANDINFORMAL MINING Attack on the Belgian social dialogue system In Belgium. choose May who 2012 Every will social four represent elections years them workers were inthe held get workto in Belgium.Everyfouryears workersget to choosewhowillrepresent themintheworkerscouncilsand thecommittees forsafety and healthat work.The results are also decisivefor theweightof thedifferent tradeunionson the sectoral and national level.Apart from that, they are- almosttraditionally - used bythefarright as an occasionto criticise and attack thesystem ofsocialdialogue. Basics ofBelgian social dialogue The cause ofthoseattacks is thelaw of 29 May 1952 establishing the NationalLabourCouncil, whichforms a cornerstone ofthesocialdialogue inBelgium. Onlythe'mostrepresentative' unions sitintheNational LabourCouncil, andonlythose unionsare allowedto submit candidates forthe socialelections.1 A unionis one ofthe'mostrepresentative unions' ifitfulfils thefollowing criteria: beingestablished on thenational leveland operating acrossthedifferent sectors (i.e. inter-professional) representing theabsolutemajority ofsectors andcategories ofworkers intheprivate as wellas thepublicsector, on thecondition that thetrade unionalso encompasses themajority ofworkers during thefour years preceding the appointment ofmembers (inlinewith the quadrennial heldsocialelections), thetrade unioninquestion hastocountatleast125,000 contributing members, including themembers oftheaffiliated orassociated organisations, and thetrade unionmust haveas a statutory goal thedefence oftheinterests ofworkers. Thisis perfectly inlinewiththeILO guidelines (objective,pre-established and precisecriteria) and theneed ofhavinga functioning, adequate andstablesocialdialogue. Vlaamse solidairevakbond (Flemish SolidaryTrade Union) Attheoccasionof thesocial electionsin 2008, members oftheextreme right party Vlaams Belang, attacked thelaworganising theelections before the constitutional court, stating that itinfringed (among others) their freedom ofassociation andtheir politicalrights . The constitutional courtcountered all arguments (Judgement 9/2009, 15January 2009). Since thelawremained thesamethey hadtocome up withsomething newin2012. On 11July 2011(theFlemish national holiday) some members of theVlaamsBelang founded their own Flemish nationalist'trade union' VlaamseSolidaire VakbondCVSV). A couple of weekslater, theVSVwas adoptedbytheBritish nationalist tradeunionSolidarity ('STU'). A contract was madestating thattheVSVwouldpaya monthly feeofeuro25 'inreturn fortheservices offered by STU to thecandidatesforthesocial elections inBelgium'. In twocompaniestheVSVsubmitted a listof candidates(each listwithone candidate).Both wererefused bytheemployer, according to the law. Solidarity, theVSVand thecandidates subsequently wentto courtand demandedthatthe listswould be accepted.Theyused an urgent procedurebeforethe presidentof the labour court, based on theanti-discrimination law (Law of 10 May2007,B.S.30May2007). Theystated that thelaworganising thesocialelections should notbe applied,sinceitdiscriminates on grounds oftradeunionaffiliation. Apart from that, they askedthepresident ofthe courtto questionthe Courtof Justiceof the European Union as to the conformity of the national legislation with EU law.TheCourt would have to considerwhether the condition thata tradeunionmustbe represented in theNational LabourCouncil tosubmit candidates for thesocial elections, iscontrary tothefree movement ofservicesintheEuropean Union(Directive 2006/123). TheVSVarguedthat advicegivenbytrade unions in legaland taxation matters, are services in the scope of the directive and thusnationallimitationstoEU trade unionsoffering theseservices in Belgium arecontrary totheEU law. The president of the labourcourtin Bruges stressed theparticular character oftheprocedure: an urgent procedure tostopan ongoingdiscrimination . To makea longstory short, thepresident ofthecourtpointedoutthattherealaimofthe VSVwas to attack thelegislation, and thatthere are properproceduresforthis,whichhad not been followedin thiscase. As a consequence there was no need toponderaboutthequestion whether thelegislation would be in accordance withEU law.In Ghentthepresident ofthecourt made a slightly different reasoning, butcame to thesameconclusion. In bothcases theVSVand Solidarity werecondemned toa fineforfrivolous andvexatious proceedings. The VSVand Solidarity filedan appeal against bothdecisions.Theyinsist on an intervention of theEuropeanCourtto decide whether thediscrimination law and thelaw on social elections contain illegallimitations tothefree movement of services intheEU. The cases arestill pending. Conclusion It is stilluncertain whether theEuropeanCourt willhave to handlethiscase. However,in our opinionitseemsclearthat theBelgianlegislation is inlinewiththeILO principles. Minority orfor- ...continued onPage13 ASTRID THIENP0NT and LANDER VANDER LINDEN are Advisers with the ABW-FGTB trade union centre in Belgium. Page 19Volume 19Issue 32012 INTERNATIONAL union rights ...
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