Background: Leprosy is a public health problem because it potentially affects social life. In 2018, World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that Indonesia ranks third of new cases leprosy. Leprosy significantly influences patients' quality of life. Until now, there is still no specific questionnaire to assess the quality of life for leprosy patients. Leprosy Quality of Life Questionnaire (KUKUH) is a questionnaire to assess leprosy patients' quality of life, which includes questions about psychology, physical health, social environment, and treatment. The study aimed to assess the validity and reliability of the Leprosy Quality of Life Questionnaire (KUKUH) as a tool to assess the quality of life of leprosy patients in Indonesia. Methods: The study was conducted at Saiful Anwar General Hospital in Malang, East Java. The validity analysis using construct validity with a minimum correlation coefficient value considered valid by 0.3. Internal consistency assessment for the questionnaire utilized the Cronbach α value where a value greater than or equal to 0.60 is acceptable, and a value greater than or equal to 0.80 is considered good. Results: Based on the result of variable validity test, all items measuring each aspect have item correlation coefficient values with a total score (riT) > table correlation value (0.361). The results of reliability testing, the items that measure each aspect of the quality-of-life variable for leprosy patients have Cronbach's Alpha values greater than 0.6. Conclusion: The validity test results of KUKUH Questionnaire are considered quite good, with a total score of 0.361 for the correlation coefficient for each question in KUKUH. The reliability test results were deemed satisfactory, with Cronbach's alpha > 0.6. The KUKUH questionnaire can be used to evaluate the quality of life of leprosy patients in Indonesia.