The main challenge that one has to face during the atmospheric correction (AC) of productive inland waters is the inability to correctly separate aerosol radiance from water-leaving radiance in the near-infrared range (NIR) bands. This leads both to incorrect estimates of the aerosol parameters and the remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs). For the Gorky Reservoir, where we are developing regional bio-optical models, the situation is complicated by the lack of field measurements of aerosol optical properties due to the significant remoteness of AERONET stations. The standard AC algorithms, as shown earlier, greatly overestimated the aerosol radiance in all spectral bands up to red bands during the period of intense cyanobacteria blooms, while the algorithm with a fixed aerosol optical depth (AOD) obtained in a clean water area gave encouraging results. Therefore, it was important to investigate the characteristics of the atmosphere above the reservoir and validate the proposed approach for regular use of Sentinel-3 imagery of the Gorky Reservoir. To solve these issues, regular in situ aerosol measurements using the handheld sun photometer SPM were performed. The measured AOD and the Angstrom exponent were compared with the estimates of these parameters from two Sentinel-3/OLCI Level-2 products, namely, Synergy (SYN) and Water Full Resolution products (OL_2_WFR). It was found that AOD and the Angstrom exponent from these standard products were overestimated by 2–3 times and almost 2 times in all cases. Atmospheric correction with fixed AOD, defined by measurements, allows us to completely get rid of negative Rrs, and its shapes and values became typical for the Gorky Reservoir. Despite the overestimation of AOD in traditional AC and its large variations in general, it was found that the minimum AOD spectrum is close to the measured spectrum. Therefore, the AOD spectra, which correspond to the two percentiles of the distribution, can be used for preliminary AC with a fixed AOD of the Sentinel-3/OLCI imaginary. The relative errors of the Rrs retrievals using the two percentile AOD compared to the measured AOD were 3–35% in the green and red bands of Sentinel-3/OLCI.
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