In this paper, we apply our minimax theory ([Ricceri B. On a minimax theorem: an improvement, a new proof and an overview of its applications. Minimax Theory Appl. 2017;2:99–152; Ricceri B. A more complete version of a minimax theorem. Appl Anal Optim. 2021;5:251–261; Ricceri B. Addendum to “A more complete version of a minimax theorem”. Appl Anal Optim. 2022;6:195–197]) with the one developed by A. Moameni in [Moameni A. Critical point theory on convex subsets with applications in differential equations and analysis. J Math Pures Appl. 2020;141:266–315.] to formalize a general scheme giving the multiplicity of critical points. Here is a sample of application of the scheme to a critical elliptic problem: THEOREM. – Let Ω ⊂ R n ( n ≥ 3 ) be a smooth bounded domain and let 1 < q < 2 ≤ p < 2 n n − 2 . Then, for every r , ν > 0 , there exists λ ∗ > 0 with the following property: for every λ ∈ ] 0 , λ ∗ [ , μ ∈ ] − λ ∗ , λ ∗ [ , and for every convex dense set S ⊂ H − 1 ( Ω ) , there exists φ ~ ∈ S , with ‖ φ ~ ‖ H − 1 ( Ω ) < r , such that the problem { − Δu = λ ( | u | 4 n − 2 u + ν | u | q − 2 u + μ | u | p − 2 u + φ ~ ) in Ω u = 0 on ∂Ω has at least two solutions whose norms in H 0 1 ( Ω ) are less than or equal to r.
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