A clutter L is a collection of m subsets of a ground set E( L) = { x 1,…, x n } with the property that, for every pair A i , A j ϵ L, A i is neither contained nor contains A j , A transversal of L is a subset of E( L) intersecting every member of L. If we associate with each element x j ϵ E( L) a weight c j , the problem of finding a transversal having minimum weight is equivalent to the following set-covering problem min{c Tx|M Lx ⩾ 1 m, x j ϵ {0, 1}, j = 1,…, n} where M L is the matrix whose rows are the incidence vectors of the subsets A i ϵ L and 1 m denotes the vector with m ones. A set-covering problem is regular if there exists an ordering of the variables σ = ( x 1,…, x n ) such that, for every feasible solution x with x i = 1, x j = 0, j < i, the vector x + e j − e i is also a feasible solution, where e i is the ith unit vector. The matrix M of a regular set-covering problem is said to be regular. A regular clutter is any clutter whose incidence matrix is regular. In this paper we describe some properties of regular clutters and propose an algorithm which, in O( mn) steps, generates all the minimal transversals of a regular clutter L and produces the transversal having minimum weight.
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