Sorptivity (S) is the fundamental variable controlling the early infiltration process. Besides soil properties, soil initial water content (θi) and (or) matric pressure (hi) are key factors determining extent of S. Assessment of interrelationship among S, hi, and soil properties can provide a considerable insight into understanding the behaviour of dry soils to rainfall or irrigation water. This study was conducted to evaluate relationship between S and some selected soil parametric and morphometric properties within a range of hi. Sixteen undisturbed soil samples (5 cm id, 5 cm length) were taken from the topsoil (0–15 cm) of a paddy soil with clay texture. Sorptivity was measured with a mini-disc infiltrometer on the samples equilibrated at h, ranging from −20 to −1500 kPa. A parameter (η), representing the relationship between S and hi, was introduced. Correlation analysis was conducted between η and selected soil morphometric and parametric properties. Soil structure and clay content appeared the most important soil attributes influencing S–hirelation between −200 and −1500 kPa. The results provided a fundamental understanding on S–hi–soil properties interrelations in a clay soil. The methodology developed in this study can be used to evaluate S–hirelationship across different soils and scales.
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