Chinese foreign policy initiative has turned out to be a negative reaction from the United States of America (USA) and its allies, as it is perceived to contain the agenda for territorial expansion in the sense of an expanding political influence covered by infra structures and trade investment activities. Along with the darkening of a OBOR (one belt, one road) map followed by the interests of China to secure the Silk Road through the presence of its military force. A number of countries in Southeast Asia, such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, including Indonesia have expressed their complaints regarding China's claims to the South China Sea. China has already positioned as regional power that "challenges" a vis-a-vis the United States as a superpower that maintains a status-quo continuity in the Indo-Pacific hemisphere. This research used qualitative research method, data collected through interviews with informants to be able to dig up information so that accurate information can be obtained in accordance with the theme of this study. The selection of informants was determined using a purposive technique. While secondary data collected from various relevant documents. This research analyzes that The United States' foreign policy to stem the rise and expansion of China's impact in the Asia-Pacific region, harmonizes with concerns from several countries in the region for the rise of China with its foreign policy judged assertive. Setting out from the policy to stem the China influence, it can be said, the United States of America refers to its experience in the cold war as it stemming the expanding influence of the Soviet Union through the Containment Policy. Only this time has the United States been confronted with such vastly different conditions. These conditions that the United States is unable to "brace" for, so containment policy repetition through some of its implementation such as rebalance, free and open indo-pacific to offshore balancing still test its effectiveness.