Biographical Dictionary of American Labor. Edited by Gary M. Fink. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1985. xvii, 767 pp. $49.95. What Do Unions Do? By Richard B. Freeman and James L. Medoff. New York: Basic Books, 1984. viii, 293 pp. $22.95. Working Class Hero: A New Strategy for Labor. By Stanley Aronowitz. New York: Adama Books, 1984. vii, 229 pp. $12.95 America's Working Man: Work, Home, and Politics among Blue‐Collar Property Owners. By David Halle. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984. xviii, 399 pp. $24.95. The Critical Vision: A History of Social and Political Art in the United States. By Paul Von Blum. Boston: South End Press, 1982. xviii, 169 pp. $9.50 Corporate Liberalism: The Origins of Modern American Political Theory, 1890–1920. By R. Jeffrey Lustig. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982. xiii, 357pp. $25.00 High Hopes: The Rise and Decline of Buffalo, New York. By Mark Goldman. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1983. 324 pp. $17.95. Those Who Stayed Behind: Rural Society in Nineteenth‐Century New England. By Hal S. Barron. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984. xiii, 184 pp. $24.95. History and Class: Essential Readings in Theory and Interpretation. Edited by R. S. Neale. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983. x, 318 pp. $27.00. Connecticut Workers and Technological Change. By Robert Asher. Storrs: University of Connecticut, Center for Oral History, Project on Connecticut Workers and A Half Century of Technological Change, 1930–1980. 1983. 100 pp. $8.95. The Haymarket Tragedy. By Paul Avrich. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984. xv. 535 pp. $29.50. Labor Immigration Under Capitalism: Asian Workers in the United States Before World War II. Edited by Lucie Cheng and Edna Bonacich. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984. xiv, 634 pp. $32.50. China and the Overseas Chinese in the United States, 1868–1911. By Shih‐shan Henry Tsai. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1983. ix, 166. $17.50. The Fight Against Shutdowns: Youngstown's Steel Mill Closings. By Staughton Lynd. San Pedro. CA: Singlejack Books, 1982. xx + 244pp. $9.95. Energy Transition and the Local Community: A theory of Society applied to Hazleton, Pennsylvania. By Dan Rose. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981. xx, 189pp. $21.95. “An Impartial Umpire”: Industrial Relations and the Canadian State, 1900–1911. By Paul Craven. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981, 386 pp. C. $21.95 John Ludlow: The Autobiography of a Christian Socialist. Edited and introduced by Alan D. Murray. Totowa, NJ: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd, 1981. xxxii, 334 pp. $30.00. The Great Paternalistic: Titus Salt and the Growth of 19th Century Bradford. By Jack Reynolds. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1983. 382 pp.”; $25.00. Industrial Politics. By Robert Currie. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980, viii, 294 pp. $26.00. The Militant Worker: Class and Radicalism in France and America. By Scott Lash. Rutherford, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 1984. vii. 264 pp. $29.50. The French Workers’ Movement: Economic Crisis and Political Change. Edited by Mark Kesselman. London: George Allen and Unwin. 1984. viii. 350 pp. $35.00. New Patterns of Work Reform: The Case of Norway. By Bjorn Gustavsen and Gerry Hunnius. Oslo‐Bergen‐Tromsoe: Universitetsforlaget. 1981. 207 pp. $15.00. Industry and Inequality: The Social Anthropology of Indian Labour. By Mark Holmström. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1984. 342 pp. $44.50. The Crisis in Marxism. By Jack Lindsay. Totowa, NJ: Barnes and Noble Books, 1981. 183 pp. $22.50.
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