In fasting conditions, the gastrointestinal system contracts according to the interdigestive migrating motor complex (MMC), in which phases of quiescence (MMC phase I) alternate with phases of medium (MMC phase II) to very strong (MMC phase III) contractions. The time of drug intake relative to this cyclic motility pattern may cause variations in formulation behavior. To explore this hypothesis, a cross-over study was performed in healthy volunteers with an immediate release tablet of fosamprenavir (Telzir) which was administered in either MMC phase I or MMC phase II, as determined by high-resolution manometry. In the intestinal tract, fosamprenavir is rapidly hydrolyzed to the active compound amprenavir by alkaline phosphatases. Drug concentrations of both prodrug and drug were determined in the stomach and duodenum and linked to simultaneously assessed systemic concentrations. In 5 out of 6 healthy volunteers, the gastric release of fosamprenavir and the systemic uptake of amprenavir were affected by the MMC phase in which the tablet was administered. The intragastric disintegration of the tablet was faster and less variable after administration in MMC phase II, resulting in faster and less variable uptake of amprenavir in the systemic circulation. Mean plasma tmax values were 157 (±72.0) and 73.3 (±27.3) min after administration in MMC phase I and MMC phase II, respectively. The study clearly identified the time of oral drug intake relative to the interdigestive motility pattern as a possible source of variation in gastrointestinal drug behavior and absorption.
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