以强筋和弱筋的两个代表性小麦品种为材料,采用盆栽与人工气候箱模拟的方法,研究了花后不同时期高温、干旱及其互作对籽粒淀粉糊化特性的影响。结果表明,高温和干旱均显著影响淀粉糊化特性,但两品种表现有所不同:高温胁迫使强筋小麦品种豫麦34的峰值黏度、最终黏度(除花后5 d外)、稀懈值(除花后15 d外)和反弹值显著增大;而弱筋小麦品种豫麦50低谷黏度和最终黏度显著下降,其峰值黏度、反弹值变化不明显,从不同时期看,花后15 d影响较大。干旱胁迫使豫麦34多数黏度参数增大;而使豫麦50峰值黏度、反弹值和稀懈值下降,其低谷黏度和最终黏度在灌浆前期和中期干旱胁迫下增大,后期干旱胁迫则明显下降。研究结果还表明,花后高温与干旱胁迫对小麦黏度参数的影响存在显著的互作效应。从<em>F</em> 值大小看,互作对弱筋小麦品种豫麦50多数黏度参数影响较大,而对强筋小麦品种豫麦34淀粉黏度参数影响较小,反映了高温、干旱及其互作对小麦淀粉特性的影响存在着显著的基因型差异。;To evaluate the effects of post-anthesis high-temperature (HT) and drought stress (DS) and their interactions on starch pasting properties in wheat grains, two winter wheat cultivars differing in gluten strength, Yumai 34 (a strong-gluten cultivar) and Yumai 50 (a weak-gluten cultivar) were investigated in pot experiments at the experimental farm of Henan Agricultural University (E113°35', N34°51'). The experiment used a split-plot design of two factors, with three temperature regimes and two soil water treatments. HT treatments were performed in a climate-controlled greenhouse at 38℃ for 2 days (treatment 2, T<sub>2</sub>) or 4 days (treatment 3, T<sub>3</sub>) at 5 days after anthesis (5 DAA), 15 DAA or 25 DAA, while the control was treated at 28℃ (treatment 1, T<sub>1</sub>). For the two soil water treatments, the soil relative water content was maintained at (55±5)% (W<sub>2</sub>) for DS treatment and at (75±5)% for the control. The results indicated that both HT and DS and their interactions significantly influenced starch pasting properties in the grains of the two wheat cultivars. However, the responses of pasting parameters to HT and DS were very different between the two wheat cultivars. In the strong-gluten wheat cultivar Yumai 34, DS applied at any grain-filling stage increased most parameters such as peak viscosity, final viscosity and hold-through, among which the final viscosity was significantly improved at the early (5 DAA) and late grain-filling stages (25 DAA), and the peak viscosity was significantly increased at the late grain-filling stage. In Yumai 50, DS applied at any grain-filling stage (early, middle or late) decreased peak viscosity, setback and breakdown. Drought stress applied at the early and middle grain-filling stages (15 DAA) clearly improved hold-through and final viscosity, but significantly decreased both parameters when applied at the late grain-filling stage. Heat stress significantly increased peak viscosity, final viscosity (except when applied at 5 DAA), set-back and breakdown (except when applied at 15 DAA) in grains of the strong-gluten wheat cultivar Yumai 34, while the parameter of hold-through in grains of Yumai 34 had much different responses to HT applied at various stages: it was significantly decreased in both HT treatments (both T<sub>1</sub> and T<sub>2</sub>) at 5 DAA, and was decreased in T<sub>2</sub> (2 days HT) but significantly enhanced in T<sub>3</sub> (4 days HT) at 15 DAA. In the weak-gluten wheat cultivar Yumai 50, HT significantly decreased hold-through and final viscosity in the grains, but had little influence on peak viscosity and setback. From the treatment stage results, we concluded that HT applied at the middle grain-filling stage (15 DAA) had the greatest impact on pasting properties in both wheat cultivars. The analysis also indicated that interaction between HT and DS had a significant effect on viscosity parameters in both cultivars, which was much greater in Yumai 50 than in Yumai 34. The effect of HT and DS interaction on pasting properties in Yumai 50 was greater when they were applied at the early grain-filling stage compared with the middle or late grain-filling stages. From our results, we conclude that different wheat genotypes show different responses in grain pasting properties to various environmental stresses, implying that such stresses have a complex effect on starch quality in the grains of winter wheat.
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