Abstract Two studies were conducted to examine effects of feedback and reinforcement on labor cost and safety behavior among roofers. Participating roofers, or subjects, belonged to one roofing crew. They were employed by a roofing company in a mid-sized southern city. Each day subjects received graphic and verbal feedback on their previous day's performance with respect to a specified goal. Tangible reinforcers were delivered on the days following goal attainment. During the first study, the crew received a monetary reinforcer based on labor savings (i.e., the difference between actual and estimated labor costs) at the end of each week. During the first study, introduction of daily feedback and weekly monetary reinforcers were associated with a 64% labor cost reduction compared to pre-intervention conditions under which workers were paid an hourly wage only. The second study describes a simple, yet reliable, safety checklist used to measure safety behavior among the same roofing crew members described in...
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