Mid-infrared (MIR) pulsed lasers near a 3µm waveband show great potential for the high absorption of water molecules and many important gas molecules. A passively Q-switched mode-locked (QSML) E r 3+-doped fluoride fiber laser with a low laser threshold and high slope efficiency around a 2.8µm waveband is reported. The improvement is achieved by depositing bismuth sulfide (B i 2 S 3) particles onto the cavity mirror directly as a saturable absorber and using the cleaved end of the fluoride fiber as output directly. -QSML pulsesbegin to appear with the pump power of 280mW. The repetition rate of the QSML pulses reaches a maximum of 33.59kHz with the pump power of 540mW. When the pump power is further increased, the output of the fiber laser switches from the QSML to the continuous-wave mode-locked operation with the repetition rate of 28.64MHz and the slope efficiency of 12.2%. The results indicate that B i 2 S 3 is a promising modulator for the pulsed lasers near a 3µm waveband, which paves the way for further development of various applications in MIR wavebands, including material processing, MIR frequency combs, and modern healthcare.
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