A critical component to the advancement and realization of beyond Li-ion electrical energy storage technologies is the careful study and characterization of the electrochemically active interfaces that govern the function and performance of such devices. Ideally, characterization of interfaces, and the interphases that grow therein, would be done in an inherently non-destructive way, while within its undisturbed native environment, and with nanoscale resolution over microscale areas (to resolve the kinds, and distribution, of the interphase building blocks). The practical realization of this, though, is extremely challenging because these interfaces and interphases are buried, highly reactive, nano-thin, and structurally and chemically heterogenous.In this talk, we’ll discuss a brief history of an emerging and evolving infrared near-field methodology aimed at overcoming as many of these challenges as possible, to study electrochemical energy storage materials and interfaces in their native environment, non-destructively, and with nanoscale resolution. This is accomplished by employing a combination of precisely engineered and electrochemically controlled graphene/electrolyte interfaces, and diffraction-limit-breaking near-field optical probes capable of chemical imaging and vibrational spectroscopy at the nanoscale. We will present works published on graphene/liquid-electrolyte interfaces,1 and anode-free-based Li/polymer-electrolyte interfaces.2 We will show that in the former case, operando potential step voltammetry + nano-FTIR is capable of sensing concentration changes in the electric double layer.1 Furthermore, in the latter case, where we will spend most our time, in situ multimodal nano-FTIR, ATR-FTIR, infrared nano-imaging, and atomic force microscopy reveal nanoscale structural and chemical heterogeneities intrinsic to the solid polymer electrolyte initiate a cascade of additional interfacial nanoscale heterogeneities during Li plating and stripping, including Li-ion conductivity, electrolyte decomposition, and interphase formation.2 1.) Y.-H. Lu,* J.M. Larson,* A. Baskin, X. Zhao, P. Ashby, D. Prendergast, H. Bechtel, R. Kostecki, and M. Salmeron, Nano Lett 19, 5388-5393 (2019). 2.) X. He*, J. M. Larson*, H. A. Bechtel, and R. Kostecki, Nat Commun, 13, 1398 (2022).(*: Denotes Equal Contribution) Figure 1
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