The growing demand for eco-friendly activated carbon necessitates sustainable production methods. This study investigates the conversion of waste wood into activated carbon using goethite iron ore as an activating agent. A high-temperature rotary furnace was used to activate the carbon at 1373 K. The oxygen released from the iron oxide during the heat treatment reacted with the carbon in the wood, resulting in 49% of activated carbon with BET surface areas between 684 m2/g and 770 m2/g. The activated carbon and char showed type I isotherms with micropore areas between 600 m2/g and 668 m2/g, respectively. Additionally, 92% of the iron in the ore was reduced from ferric to ferrous. The findings demonstrate that goethite iron ore is an effective activating agent for producing wood-based activated carbon while also generating metallic iron as a byproduct. This alternative activation method enhances the sustainability and efficiency of activated carbon production.
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