A micromechanics-based method has been developed to analyze the creep response of uncoated ceramic matrix minicomposites. Although the global stress level at which the creep response is analyzed is lower than the composite proportional limit, local stresses are assumed to be high enough that localized damage is present in the composite in the form of matrix microcracks. To model the composite creep response including the effects of matrix cracking, a fiber shear lag-based methodology is employed. In this approach, stresses are assumed to vary in the fiber as a function of time and distance from the crack plane. The varying stresses are then used to compute the overall creep strain for the composite. Various assumptions regarding the level of matrix microcracking in the composite, and the level of creep in the fiber and matrix in various portions of the composite unit cell, are also examined. The creep response of the fiber is modeled using a linear Burgers model. The model is applied to a SiCf/SiC unidirectional minicomposite system. The computed creep results are compared to experimentally obtained values. The effects of the local fiber volume fraction on the overall creep response of the composite are also studied. This work will allow increased understanding of the key material damage mechanisms and load sharing that take place during creep conditions and can be expanded to provide improved analysis methods for full macrocomposites.
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