This study was designed to determine the stages in the identification of micro-hydro in irrigation channels based on the classification and level of data requirements in a project, starting from the initial study, feasibility study and detailed engineering design. The study was conducted with site selection criteria using four information systems and technology tools, namely Google Earth, GIS Topography, UAV Drone Phantom DJI 4, and Nikkon DTM 332 Total Station. The results shows through GE and GIS, obtained 23 potential points, 7 of which are high potential, followed by field measurements with 1 selected UAV location Cascade, and detailed with TS to produce Head (H) 12 m, with CM and FDC probability 75% discharge (Q) 5.5 m3/s, generated power (P) 550 kW. This study provides a method and solution for speed in identifying potential with Google Earth and GIS (Macro Class), speed and risk reduction for surveyors with UAVs (Mezo Class), and accuracy and detailing at selected locations with Total Station (Micro Class). So that this research provides accuracy in the stages, methods and tools used in the identification of micro-hydro potential in irrigation channels.