Infrared Fourier transform spectra of the 12CD3OH isotopologue of methanol recorded at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron have been investigated in the 750–950cm−1 region to explore the torsional energy pattern of the in-plane methyl-rocking mode. The in-plane CD3-rocking band is primarily of parallel a-type character with relatively widely spaced K-structure, and the central Q-branch region is well-resolved. Sub-bands have been assigned for the vt=0 ground torsional state from K=0 to 15 for both A and E torsional species, as well as a number of sub-bands in the vt=1 excited torsional state. A variety of perturbations due to asymmetry-induced, anharmonic Fermi and level-crossing resonances is seen in the spectra. Mapping of K-reduced torsional energies determined from the upper-state term values shows that the K-dependence is severely distorted from the usual pattern of smoothly oscillating, near-sinusoidal interlocking τ-curves. Although the K=0 levels are nominally inverted for vt=0, the torsional splitting is very small with the A level higher than the E level by only 0.625cm−1, and the anomalous behavior precludes a definite conclusion about torsional inversion. However, the range of variation with K of the vt=0 CD3-rocking τ-curves is about half that of the ground vibrational state, similar to previous observations for CH3OH isotopologues, suggesting a comparable reduction of about 25% in the effective torsional barrier height for the in-plane rocking mode.