Physical therapy methods have found wide application in various fields of clinical medicine, including when treating various diseases and pathological conditions of the female body. The vast majority of studies deals with the issues of the drug-free treatments of chronic inflammatory diseases of the lesser pelvis organs, which negatively impact the health of women of reproductive age. It should be noted that the works dealing with the possibility and evaluation of the effectiveness of including physical therapy methods in the combination treatment of the acute stage of nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the lesser pelvis organs are less numerous. A number of works on the use of the hyperbaric oxygenation and general magnetic therapy as components of combination therapy in forming the therapeutic effect deal with this area of research. The article presents the basic principles of using physical therapy modalities in gynecology and the conditions for optimizing the results of treatment of gynecological patients, including the results of combination therapy with the earliest possible integration of physical therapy modalities in the programs of standard anti-inflammatory treatment of patients with acute nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the lesser pelvis organs, allowing to optimize its efficacy.
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